The scope of the Project
The Institute for World Economy (IWE) of the Romanian Academy has launched a new initiative, ”The support centre for preparing proposals of research and innovation projects”. The support centre will contribute to the development of research and innovation activities in the field of environment and climate change.
Main Objectives of the Project
The project will lay the ground for project management activities funded through the EU dedicated programmes that will be continued and developed within the IWE`s Support Centre. Other objective of the project is to help researchers in writing and submitting research projects fundable through the horizon 2020 framework programme.
Motivation of the project
The Support Centre for preparing proposals of research and innovation projects will unfold by march 2023 and aims at increasing the visibility of European research. Another purpose of the project is to enhance the cooperation between researchers and the business environment.

Our Background
The Institute for World Economy (IWE) was established in 1967. Its main objectives are focussed on studying and to analysing the national and international economic policies, alongside their impact. Hundreds of studies and working papers representing an important support for policy makers were developed throughout the entire period of operation. The institute has inter-institutional arrangements with institutes form neighbouring countries through which the studies are disseminated and run many research projects during the years.