The Institute for World Economy (IWE) of the Romanian Academy has launched a new initiative, ”The support centre for preparing proposals of research and innovation projects”. The support centre will contribute to the development of research and innovation activities in the field of environment and climate change. The project will lay the ground for project management activities funded through the EU dedicated programmes that will be continued and developed within the IWE`s Support Centre. Other objective of the project is to help researchers in writing and submitting research projects fundable through the horizon 2020 framework programme.
The Institute for World Economy (www.iem.ro) is a Romanian academic research organization that has been working for 53 years to study the European and international policies alongside their impact on the Romanian economy and finding best practices on sustainable economic development in Romania in the context of European integration.
We form a multidisciplinary network of reputed researchers, who have managed or collaborated in a number of research initiatives, funded through European sources.
Our researchers have deep knowledge of the situation in Romania, a country which should be a priority for Green Deal research, because its environmental performance is still lagging compared to many EU members and because it has benefited to a lesser extent from EU research funding. Since May 2020 IWE has created the Center of Support for Writing Horizon 2020 Competitive Research and Innovation Projects.
Our members have a solid background in social sciences, such as economics, law, education, management, communication, and pedagogy, which can help design and implement societal, business, and community programs and interfaces, as well as in scientific, engineering and informatics disciplines relevant for the Green Deal, including geography, ecology, and agronomy.
IWE’s team has obtained the support of the Romanian Academy, several Romanian universities, several Ministries responsible for the relevant areas in the Government of Romania, as well as of a number of private firms and NGOs. Currently, one of the most important tasks is to study the impact climate change has on the economy and society and also its effects on the circular economy. In some of the previous projects, IWE provided research assistance for several Romanian spin-offs and start-ups. The institute offers a Ph.D. program in Economics submitted to the Romanian Academy doctoral studies.