Nume Complet Institutul de Economie Mondiala al Academiei Romane
PIC Nr.:935474306
Persoana de ContactDr. Simona MOAGĂR-POLADIAN- managing Director,,
Adresa IEM:Romania, Bucuresti, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5, zip code 050711

Institutul de Economie Mondiala (IEM) a fost infiintat in anul 1967. Obiectivele principale ale acestuia sunt studiul si analiza politicilor economice nationale si internationale, precum si impactul acestora.

Un pilon esential in activitatea IEM este sa propuna autoritatilor nationale instrumente utile in analiza situatiei economice si sprijin in asigurarea cresterii robuste a economiei. De-a lungul intregii perioade de activitate, au fost elaborate sute de studii si sinteze care au constituit un suport important pentru factorii de decizie. In plus, sub egida IEM, cercetatorii din institut au publicat numeroase carti si cursuri universitare care au reprezentat baza de formare profesionala pentru generatii de studenti, in principal pentru cei inrolati in cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucuresti.

La nivel international, IEM a dezvoltat colaborari cu institutii similare din estul si vestul Europei, care au fost esentiale in intelegerea aprofundata a contextului economic a tarilor in cauza. In cadrul IEM, analiza politicilor economice si implicatiile acestora in cadrul statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene au reprezentat subiecte de studiu principale si in fiecare an, planul de cercetare al institutului are incluse studii din acest domeniu.

In general, IEM a diseminat rezultatele obtinute prin intermediul studiilor de cercetare, a politicilor elaborate, prin participare la conferinte si publicarea de articole stiintifice in jurnale de profil, dar si prin programe de diseminare interinstitutionale. De asemenea, IEM este parte a Grupului de Lucru Interinstitutional din Romania care analizeaza impactul economic si financiar al crizei de sanatate provocate de COVID-19 , propune politici si elaboreaza diferite scenarii economice. In acest context, experienta institutului este relevanta pentru problema abordata. In cadrul proiectului de fata, relatiile interinstitutionale dezvoltate de IEM cu autoritatile centrale au prevăzut o abordare integrată a studiului pregătirii economice, precum si a impactului economic și social al reactiilor din domeniul sanatatii publice.

De asemenea, institutul are incheiate acorduri interinstituționale cu institutele din țările vecine prin care sunt diseminate studiile elaborate.

Selectia celor mai relevante publicatii:

Selectia celor mai relevante proiecte:

  • Center of Support in the IWE for Writing Horizon 2020 Competitive Research and Innovation Projects (IWE Center), Grant no. 107540/ 30.04.2020. Financing institution: European Regional Development Fund, total budget: 412.750 EUR. Estimated results: studies in the field of climate change and trans-disciplinary studies in the fields of food, water, energy, health, finance, investment, equity and security; workshops for the preparation of proposals for research – innovation projects; developing at European level the capacity to respond to and improve the adaption to climate change, by strengthening the global market for climate services; macroeconomic and social benefits by creating new environmental markets in the circular economy.
  • Enhancing Financial Integration through Financial Literacy Tools, Grant no. PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0415. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget: 95.215 EUR – first place at economic science competition, according to preliminary results. Proposed results: one mobile application that will include basic financial systems terms, case studies, financial news, and analysis; two scientific articles published in Web of Science indexed journals; four papers in journals included in other relevant international databases; five international conference participation; a policy research working paper on financial literacy in Romania one workshop in the fields of financial integration and financial literacy; five research exchanges or summer school participation.
  • Romania’s Economic and Monetary Convergence with the European Union – a Necessary Approach, Grant no. 796/2018. Financing institution: Romanian Academy, Total budget: 10.000 EUR. Final results: regular assessment of the fulfillment of the convergence criteria; two books; initiating preparatory measures to allow Romania to become full member of EMU’s third and final stage from the derogation status.
  • PhD and Postdoctoral Studies Horizon 2020: Promote the National Interest through Excellence, Competitiveness and Accountability in Romanian Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research, Grant no. OI/2437/D/10.04.2014; Financing institution: European Social Fund, 2.621.464 EUR budget. Main results: fellowships for 105 PhD students and 150 postdoctoral students; courses for PhD and postdoctoral students; 10 international workshops and conferences organized, including two in Cambridge and Oxford universities;  10 conference proceedings; 255 research studies; 405 prizes for best articles, developing  the international database called National Strategies Observer (NOS) under the IWE monitoring.
  • Dialogue and Experience Exchange Regarding Renewable Energy Policies, Identifying Opportunities for Cooperation between China-Romania – Grant no. 612/01.01.2013. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget 11.540 EUR. Results: one book; inter-institutional exchanges between Romanian and Chinese researchers; conference participations.
  • Research Infrastructures: Foresight and Impact (RIFI), FP7 project no. 228293/01.03.2009. Financing institution: European Commission, Total budget: 29.600 EUR. Results: development of a methodology for assessing the socio-economic impact.
  • Analysis Regarding the Correlation between Research-Development Spending and Economic Performance for the Main Companies in Romania, Grant no. 92091/ 01.10.2008. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, total budget: 192.700 EUR. Results: four research reports; statistical studies on field at enterprises; organizing national and international conferences; annual publications.
  • Innovation Incentive in Romanian SMEs by Developing the Organizational Culture, Grant no. 92093/01.10.2008. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget: 170.700 EUR. Results: three research reports; thematic foresight; workshops, publications, and participation in conferences.
  • Romanian Personalities and Economic Institutions Romanian Added Value to the European Identity, Grant no. 92091/2007. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget: 383.020 EUR. Results: increasing the competitiveness of Research/ Development in the fundamental field of social and human science by evaluating the „main periods” in the history of economics and the Romanian contributions and promoting the Romanian research in the European environment.
  • Dynamic Model for Underlying the Policies of E-inclusion, Grant no. 1119/02.10.2007. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget 231.045 EUR. Results: one study regarding the quality of education and employment; three studies of national interest; three methodologies: a) methodological study educational and occupational categories; b) questionnaire methodology ICT industry specialists; c) one guide for organizing focus groups.
  • Economic Convergence and the Role of Recognition in Terms of EU integration, Grant no. 7480/2006. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total Budget: 306.100 EUR. Results: research reports on the Romania’s model for economic convergence with the European Union as well as the tools, mechanisms and policies which ensure the convergence, taking into account the significant increase of the contribution of qualitative/intangible factors (education, scientific and technological competence, innovation, and expanding ICT) to achieve economic convergence.
  • Romania’s Integration Process in the European Economy. Historical and Contemporary Dimensions, Grant no. 47/2006. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget: 61.220 EUR. Results: research reports on the economic and historical analysis of the Romanian integration process and optimizing integration policies.
  • Sustainable Development of Romania in European and Global Context (SDREGC), Grant no. CEEX-05-D8-34 C1-M1/05.10.2005. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget: 285.710 EUR. Results: research reports on sustainable development strategies and pro-sustainable development policy measures for Romania at the horizon of 2010 and 2020.
  • Integrated Business Development System (IBDS), Grant no. 246/05.10.2005. Financing institution: Romanian Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, Total budget:  285.710 EUR. Results: reports on developing a strategy and a logistics platform (hardware and software) based on research and innovation, capable of accelerating the process of industrial transformation in Romania in the meat processing industry.
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